Reindeer Moby is an ongoing animation project started from December 2021. It aims at arousing people rethink the relationship between human society and the nature. It includes a worldwide outdoor projection Reindeer Flashmob and a video installation exhibiting, Let me keep going, in Chrisitinegaard Bergen. Besides, animation workshops for kids and teenagers are planned to be held by late 2022 or early 2023.
Up-coming exhibition: Let me keep going
2022. 09. 15-18|Chrisitinegaard, Bergen
A video installation with a life-size animated reindeer, Moby is walking from one wall to another wall. In this dark space the audience can follow Moby to different place, then, slowly close the eyes, just listen to the acoustic sound of the animal’s footstep and then, go into their own imagination world.
Reindeer Flashmob - a outdoor projection
Upcoming: The Bergen Lights
2022.03.24~27. | USF, Bergen
Worldwide project
2022: Tenerife (Jan) | Paris (Mar) | Iceland (Apr) | Gdansk (Jun) |Barcelona (Jun) | USA (Sept-Oct)
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